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2020/2021 Season Covid Regulations as of August 3, 2020

Bragg Creek Bears Admin

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

In these unprecedented times, the hockey season will undoubtedly look different this year. We are following all health regulations set out by the Alberta Government in the hopes that we can still get some fun hockey played.  We appreciate your patience and understanding during these times. These are currently the main Covid-19 regulations until we move to next provincial stage. 

-We will have a 14 player maximum for each team. Each team may only have 2 coaches. This is to keep our numbers low enough to cohort and play games with other teams. 

-No other on ice volunteers allowed (even during practice).

-Players must be dressed upon arrival and will go directly to the ice. No dressing rooms available. 

-While we know this will be very difficult, there will be no bathrooms available as of current guidelines. 

-Unfortunately, until we move to stage 3 as a province, we will not be allowed to have any spectators in the rink. Our hope is that by the time we move to outdoor rinks, the province will have moved to stage 3. 

-One coach from each team will be the referee during games. This will be for all levels. This is also to stay within the cohort guidelines. 

-The season will be split in half where you play the same two teams for half of the season. This is to stay within the cohort guidelines. 

-The Saturday games may look a little different. We are not exactly sure how this will look just yet but it may be split into more periods to consider the 3 team cohort maximum. It may also be a bi-weekly game instead of weekly. We will keep everyone updated on the game structure. 

-Practices will be no longer be able to be done together and will be a team by team basis. 

-No players will be able to play on a different team during player shortages. In this case, the opposing teams will be divided and it will be a "just for fun shinny game". This is to keep the cohort theory intact. 

-Any gear and water bottles will need to be clearly labeled with player's name. 

-Any player with symptoms is asked to stay home and will be sent home immediately if they begin at the rink. 

-In the unfortunate circumstance of another lock down, fees will be refunded. If the season has already begin, it will be a pro-rated return. 

-Please download the Hockey Calgary Guideline Booklet for a more in-depth explanation.

While I know this may all seem overwhelming, it is our best shot at giving these kids a sense of freedom to still be able to get on the ice and play some fun hockey with their team. Please join us! 


Cynthia Brocklebank

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