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End of September 2020 Update

Just a quick update for any curious parents. Most of our team registrations are on the right track. I am predicting that we may need to combine two depending on final numbers but as of right now we will be able to make the season work! If you have been waiting out our registrations to see if we will actually play this year, the time is here! 8 days left until the registration deadline.

One other ice update: Unfortunately, the Cochrane League was not able to get as much ice time at Spray Lakes as she had thought for Saturdays in November. We are in the process of evaluating Covid protocols with other rinks in the area to see if we should book ice for Saturday games in November. In the case that the protocols do not align with our league or the rinks are too far, we may either have a couple less games for the month of November OR a possible game on Friday evening as we do still have some back-up ice in Black Diamond (no spectators). We will have more answers on this come mid-October.

Once we have our outdoor rink, we foresee our practices and most games being in Redwood Meadows until after Christmas break. Spectators ARE allowed in Redwood Meadows and one bathroom will be open. Anything after Christmas has not been decided yet as we plan on restructuring the cohorts with Priddis, Black Diamond and Millarville.

I hope this helps to keep parents in the loop. As always, let me know if you have any questions. Thanks everyone!


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